Friday, July 15, 2011

"Legal Alien/Extranjera Legal" Before You Read

When I went into 6th grade I finally found myself it’s like I hung out with like the cool crew if that’s the way you want to put it, but I started acting more like mature and being myself so it’s like allot of people expect me to be someone I’m really not. So I started feeling like I had to act like what they expected or I will lose my friends like they would want me to dress a certain way and stuff so it’s like I noticed that I’m not that way. So I actually sat down and talked to my friends and they understood so all this time I thought I should of been a leader and not a follower, I dislike when people feel like they have to fit in I mean just be yourself and you might go places like places you never imagined. It made me a better person and its funny because I notice things like certain people I hang around were all alike so it’s pretty awesome.


  1. I bet that you post was great but I can hardly read it. Can you fix it please.

  2. I agree with Yaya, I cant really see it that well.
