Thursday, June 9, 2011

Welcome to my 10th grade portfolio. My name is Olivia I am 15 years old, I love hanging out with friends and having fun I can dance all day if I have to. My favorite food is chili dogs my favorite ice cream is strawberry cheesecake. A movie I can watch all day and not get tired of it would have to be Friday, I love Justin Bieber he is awesome my favorite artist is Chris Brown I can listen to him forever. You will be viewing what I have learned and haven’t through the years and what I would like to accomplish in more. You can also stay up to date with me by my visiting à you can read or comment on my post. Thank you so much for visiting =).

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Portfolio - My Educational Experiences

Due to my educational experiences, I am currently still progressing in my learning but I am getting better I learn something new everyday.From me coming into school as a freshmen was difficult for the most part event though I missed most of my freshmen and sophomore year but I know that I have plenty of more hard tasks.Im not dumb but I do slack a lot but im going to make sure that it wont happen anymore. I currently have my house parents and friends on my back about the whole school situation so I take there advice.

Portfolio - Improvement

Over the past two years, I have improved in a lot like my writing before I was in high school I never capitalized my I's or the words in the beginning of my sentences. Know I'm still struggling with my writing skills but I hope they will get better I feel that I'm progressing after all.Before I was in high school I didn't read as fast as other students but believe it or not now I guess I'm finally on task with my reading,I knew it was time for me to practice because I was coming into high school.I used a lot of slang words before I was in high school I still do sometimes now I know how to control my language well at least I try I practice by being around my mom so when I say bad things around her she tells me how she doesn't like how I'm talking around her so I knew I had to change how I talk.When I worked in groups before high school I would always talk and I would get in trouble and wont get credit but now I know my limits. My technology skills was horrible all I knew how to do was myspace and twitter and Facebook in till I got to Priesters class but I learned piece by piece as the days go by I practice because I know that this is going to come in handy. I will continue on doing the best I can.

Portfolio - Future

I feel if I keep focused of what im doing then I will be able to reach my goals.When im older I would like to be a pediatrician I love baby's I can work with them all day.I also want to be an actress if you wanted me to I can act on the spot. I need support people telling me I can other then telling me I cant or laughing at me. My hose parents and my real parents and all my family hopefully will support me in my decisions. I do believe that I will achieve my goals as long as I start to keep focus and to believe in myself.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Portfolio - My Educational Experiences

Due to my educational experiences, I am still the same but more focused. At my last school I didn’t really care know that im here it’s a different story; I haven’t been in as much trouble no fights no ditching. Before I used to be in drama and stuff and it distracted me from my school work but know ive grown and made my own decisions. I’m so proud of myself I have been carrying myself more respectfully because half of these things that people say and do know I would had been done did something so im glad that I can hold my own. Know im just ready for anything because I feel like I can accomplish things that I got my mind on. My support system keeps me in place and have me on my school work grind.