Monday, May 23, 2011

SPA Prom 2011 or Free Write

I did not go to prom but I had fun over the weekend I was terrified on Saturday because the whole end of the world rumor I never prayed so much in my life. Once three a clock passed i was in the shower crying in praying my heart was pounding out of my chest it was ridiculous. Next weekend when i go on pass I’m having a mother daughter weekend were going to see jumping the broom but overall my weekend was cool.


  1. I think a lot of people were scared for saturday, Including myself. Hope next weekend is as good as this one was.

  2. I hope you learned to pay attention in Science class a little more after this experience. Not all people or theories are reliable. Did you hear about all of the money the man who gave the prediction made?

  3. Wow, you tend to be gullible sometimes, but great post.
